The Property Manager for

The Renaissance community is


SF Valley Management, Inc.

William Reimbold

Association Manager



(The emergency line is for urgent issues that need to be resolved quickly, such as major water leaks or stuck vehicle gates.

The emergency line is not for billing questions, nonurgent service requests, or complaints about homeowner violations)


Department of Water and Power 

(800) 827-5397 -

**Note - in a community power outage, DO NOT CALL SECURITY -- Call DWP or visit the DWP website for outage updates.  SECURITY DOES NOT CONTROL THE POWER and will be busy with manual access procedures **


LAPD Devonshire Division

(818) 832-0633 -

LAPD Non-Emergency

(877) ASK-LAPD -


Fire Station 28 Porter Ranch

(818) 756-9728 -


City Hall

(818) 756-8121 -


Councilman John Lee

(818) 882-1212 -


The Gas Company

(800) 427-2200 -


Household Hazardous Waste

(800) 988-6942 -


Dead Animal Removal

(800) 773-2489 -


Wild Animal Control

(844) 698-7277 -

**Snakes - Call Animal Control first, then fire department **


To Report Aggressive Coyotes

Dial 911 


(888) 334-2258 - Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife


West Valley Animal Shelter

(888) 452-7381 -


Brush Clearance

(818) 374-1111


Shopping Cart Pick Up

(800) 252-4613